
The client “Daily Health Conference” is a non profit organisation who wants to promote new wellness applications to its members.

The challenge

As members of the World Wellness Summit 2022, we have decided to improve the mental health of students, which is often affected by many factors during their studies.

The app can address any aspect of personal well-being, and should monitor the users’ progress and encourage them to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

The concept

Strategy approach

Once the topic was chosen, it was important for us to define a strategic approachto focus our efforts in the same direction.



What do we want to achieve?

Improve people's mental health.

Focus area

What is the scope?

People who have experienced or are experiencing problems with their mental well-being.


How will we overcome the challenge?

A reassuring environment, and make user feel less alone by gamifying the app.

Guiding principles

What type of activities solve the problem?

Desktop research,
Certainties, Suppositions, Doubts (CSD Matrix),
Competitive analysis,
Quantitative surveys, Qualitative interviews,
How Might We method or Empathy map,
Brainstorming, Crazy 8s.


How will we measure the relevance of our solution?

Value proposition canvas,
MoSCoW method,
or the Value&Complexity quadrant,
Concept testing, Usability test, 
Desirability test, 5second test.

Desk researchs

Given the scope of this topic as a whole, our research has helped us to take the direction of one of three dimensions of mental health: positive mental health

Studies have helped us to refine the scope of our study on the case of students.

Business analysis

We wanted to understand the most common features and design trends on a sample of mobile apps available on the market.

Mobile apps selected for analysis

What did we find out?

User research

The first step was to get answers to the assumptions and doubts we had about both the subject and the people for whom we were going to design an application.

An approach based on 5 topics

The strenght of the survey

Thanks to 100 surveys and 5 interviews, we have found trends about their feelings and what are the mains causes of stress among students.

What the interviews revealed

The 5 interviews highlighted the main causes of stress among students.


Julie is a student motivated to succeed in her studies for her professional future but faces a lot of work.
She likes to be close to her friends and family but finds it difficult to spend time with them. Her situation particularly affects her self-confidence.


Stressed college student needs a way to manage their time during their studies, because their organisation can quickly isolate them from their peers / family and put them in a state of intense stress or even more.


Our solution, called Refresh, is a mobile application which helps students stressed by their studies, to organise their free time with friends, family and themselves.

The experience-based point system derived from the gaming industry is there to offer a playful and differentiating experience from other wellness applications.

Julie can define her "challenges", in other words her activities, like a standard task planner.

But also, she can follow-up on her challenges and their progress.

Otherwise, Refresh allows users to:

  • create challenges

  • get rewards to motivate yourself

  • track the evolution of her moods and challenges

High-fidelity prototype

The prototype

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